BEETLE | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2012 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3889PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 5C0820411E
|  |
2010 - 2007 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3692PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413F
|  |
2006 | 2.5 all engines
| CN 3692PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413F
|  |
TDI all engines
| CN 4932PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413G
|  |
2005 - 2002 | 1.8L engines 1.9L engines
| CN 4932PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413G
|  |
2.0L engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
2001 | 2.0L engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
| CN 4932PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413G
|  |
| --
|  |
2000 - 1999 | 1.8L engines 1.9L engines
| CN 4932PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413G
|  |
2.0L engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
1998 | 1.9L engines
| CN 4932PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1C0820413G
|  |
2.0L engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
CABRIO | Application Information | Part |
2002 - 1995 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
CABRIOLET | Application Information | Part |
1993 - 1985 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
CC | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2009 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3493PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3C0820411D
|  |
CORRADO | Application Information | Part |
1995 - 1993 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 535820411D
|  |
1992 | BASE MODEL all engines
| CN 4123A Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 191820413D
|  |
SLC all engines
| --
OEMS 535820413
|  |
1991 - 1990 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4123A Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 191820413D
|  |
DASHER | Application Information | Part |
1981 - 1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
EOS | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2007 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
EUROVAN | Application Information | Part |
2003 - 1992 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 7D0121253
|  |
FOX | Application Information | Part |
1993 - 1987 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 3058204031
|  |
GOLF | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2011 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
2010 | All submodels and engines
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
2006 | All submodels and engines
South American
| CN 22014PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
All submodels and engines
New Body Style
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
2005 | All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
All submodels and engines
New Body Style
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
All submodels and engines
Old Body Style
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
2004 - 2002 | All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
2001 | 2.0L engines
| --
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
2000 | All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
1999 | All submodels and engines
Latin America
| CN 22022PFC Condenser Serpentine OEMS 1JE820411
|  |
GL all engines GLS all engines GTI all engines TDI all engines
W/ Pin Mounts W/ Threaded Connections
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
GL all engines GLS all engines GTI all engines TDI all engines
W/ Bolt Mounts
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413L 1J0820413N
|  |
| --
|  |
1998 - 1996 | All submodels and engines
W/ Pin Mounts W/ Threaded Connections
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
All submodels and engines
W/ Bolt Mounts W/ Bolt Mounts.
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1H0820413
|  |
1995 | All submodels and engines
W/ Bolt Mounts
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B 1H0820413
|  |
Without turbocharged engine
W/ Pin Mounts W/ Threaded Connections
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1994 - 1993 | All submodels and engines
W/ Pin Mounts W/ Threaded Connections
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
All submodels and engines
W/ Bolt Mounts
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1H0820413
|  |
1992 - 1985 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4123A Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 191820413E
|  |
GOLF CITY | Application Information | Part |
2010 - 2007 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
GTI | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2006 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
JETTA | Application Information | Part |
2013 | GLI all engines S all engines SE all engines SEL all engines TDI all engines TDI PREMIUM all engines
| CN 3889PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 5C0820411E
|  |
HYBRID all engines HYBRID SE all engines HYBRID SEL all engines
| --
OEMS 5C0820411E
|  |
2012 - 2011 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3889PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 5C0820411E
|  |
2010 - 2006 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
2005 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
2004 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
2003 | GL all engines GLI all engines GLS all engines GLX all engines TDI all engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
2002 | BASE MODEL V6 2.8L GL L4 2.0L GLS L4 1.8L T GLS V6 2.8L GLX V6 2.8L TDI L4 1.9L DIESEL T
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
2001 | GL L4 2.0L GLS L4 1.8L T GLS V6 2.8L GLX V6 2.8L TDI L4 1.9L DIESEL T WOLFSBURG EDITION L4 1.8L T
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
2000 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1J0820413N
|  |
1999 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
GL L4 2.0L GLS L4 2.0L GLS L4 2.0L VIN=A GLS L4 2.0L VIN=B GLS L4 2.0L VIN=C GLS V6 2.8L GLX V6 2.8L TDI L4 1.9L DIESEL T
| CN 4933PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1998 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1997 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
With L4 2.0L Engine VIN=A With L4 2.0L Engine VIN=B With V6 2.8L Engine VIN=D With L4 1.9L Engine VIN=J
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1996 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
All submodels and engines
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1995 - 1993 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4475PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
Without turbocharged engine
| CN 4645PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 1HM820413B
|  |
1992 - 1989 | With turbocharged engine
| --
|  |
Without turbocharged engine
| CN 4123A Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 191820413E
|  |
1988 - 1985 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4123A Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 191820413E
|  |
1984 - 1981 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
JETTA CITY | Application Information | Part |
2009 - 2007 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
PASSAT | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2012 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 561820411
|  |
2010 - 2006 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3493PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3C0820411D
|  |
2005 | 1.8L engines 2.8L engines 2.0L engines
| CN 3039PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3B0260401B
|  |
2.5L engines
| --
|  |
2004 | 1.8L engines 2.8L engines 4.0L engines 2.0L engines
| CN 3039PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3B0260401B
|  |
2.5L engines
| --
|  |
2003 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3039PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3B0260401B
|  |
2002 | 1.8L engines 2.8L engines 4.0L engines
New Style W/ Block Fittings
| CN 3039PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3B0260401B 3B7260403A
|  |
1.8L engines 2.8L engines
Old Style W/ Threaded Fittings
| CN 4923PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 8D0260403C
|  |
2.5L engines
| --
|  |
2001 | 1.8L engines 2.8L engines
New Style W/ Block Fittings
| CN 3039PFXC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3B0260401B
|  |
1.8L engines 2.8L engines
Old Style W/ Threaded Fittings
| CN 4923PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 8D0260403C
|  |
2.5L engines
| --
|  |
2000 - 1999 | 1.8L engines 2.8L engines
| CN 4923PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 8D0260403C
|  |
2.5L engines
| --
|  |
1998 | BASE MODEL all engines
| --
|  |
GLS all engines GLX all engines
| CN 4923PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 8D0260403C
|  |
1997 - 1995 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4655PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3A0820413A 4655
|  |
1994 - 1992 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 357820413C
|  |
1991 - 1990 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4655PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3A0820413A
|  |
PASSAT CC | Application Information | Part |
2010 - 2009 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3493PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3C0820411D
|  |
PHAETON | Application Information | Part |
2006 - 2004 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3492PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 3D0820411E 3D0820411G
|  |
QUANTUM | Application Information | Part |
1988 - 1982 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
R32 | Application Information | Part |
2008 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
RABBIT | Application Information | Part |
2009 - 2006 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3255PFXC Condenser Assemblies OEMS 1K0820411Q
|  |
1984 - 1983 | 1.6L engines
| --
|  |
1.8L engines 1.7L engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
1982 | 1.6L engines
| --
|  |
1.7L engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
1981 | BASE MODEL all engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
L CUSTOM all engines LS DELUXE all engines
| --
|  |
1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
RABBIT CONVERTIBLE | Application Information | Part |
1984 - 1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
RABBIT PICKUP | Application Information | Part |
1983 - 1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
ROUTAN | Application Information | Part |
2010 - 2009 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 7B0317019
|  |
SCIROCCO | Application Information | Part |
1989 - 1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
1978 - 1975 | All submodels and engines
| CN 4121PF Condenser Tube and Fin OEMS
|  |
SHARAN | Application Information | Part |
2008 - 1995 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
SUPER BEETLE | Application Information | Part |
1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
TIGUAN | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2009 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3775PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 5N0820411E
|  |
TOUAREG | Application Information | Part |
2013 - 2012 | All submodels and engines
| --
OEMS 7P0820411B 7P0820411A
|  |
2011 | COMFORTLINE all engines EXECLINE all engines HIGHLINE all engines TDI all engines V6 all engines VR6 all engines
| --
OEMS 7P0820411A
|  |
HYBRID all engines
| --
|  |
2010 - 2004 | All submodels and engines
| CN 3294PFC Condenser Parallel Flow OEMS 7L0820411G
|  |
TRANSPORTER | Application Information | Part |
1994 - 1985 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |
VANAGON | Application Information | Part |
1991 - 1980 | All submodels and engines
| --
|  |